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Tracking Holiday Gifts

Tracking Holiday Gifts

With the holiday season upon us, the joy of gift-giving is accompanied by the challenge of ensuring that everyone on the list has been shopped for, every thoughtful present reaches its intended recipient, and incoming gifts are recorded for thank yous.

Tracking holiday gifts becomes a straightforward process with our simple and user-friendly spreadsheet template. There’s a space for your budget, staff gifts, stockings, and cards. If you have a PA or EA handling your shopping, this template is a great collaborative tool. 

Even if you think it’s too late for this, it’s not. Log everything given and received so that you have a benchmark for your purchasing budget next year. At the end of the season, you’ll be able to look back and decide who you should add to (or delete from) your list. The tracker also helps avoid duplicate gift-giving and can create an inventory of available items for re-gifting opportunities.

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The Art of the Thank You Note

When the gifts have all been given and received and you’ve finally started to relax into your post-holiday eggnog haze, remember there’s one last point to check off your holiday list: the thank you notes.

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An estate brand is both an ideology and a physical manifestation of aesthetic, design and service. It represents the intended reputation or expectations of the home. PRO content.

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