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Documenting Employee Disciplinary Actions

Documenting Employee Disciplinary Actions

Documenting disciplinary actions for domestic employees is necessary to comply with labor laws, ensure fairness and consistency, and provide a record for performance evaluation and improvement. An Estate Manager should include a progressive discipline policy in their Employee Handbook and Estate Manual. PRO Content

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Lou Hansell: Elevating the Art of Luxury Garment Care

Lou Hansell’s commitment to intentional design, uncompromising craftsmanship, and sustainable luxury sets a new standard in garment care. These exquisite hangers not only protect and preserve couture collections but also bring beauty and purpose to the essential closet accessory.

The Beauty of a Virtual Closet System

A virtual closet allows an HM, Butler or Valet to create a comprehensive inventory of the principal’s wardrobe, making it easier to locate specific pieces when styling outfits, packing, or moving items between residences.

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