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Luxury Car Storage

Keeping a luxury car in pristine condition is a difficult task to begin with. Keeping a fleet of luxury cars, often scattered across multiple locations, presents a unique challenge for...

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Tech Resources For Estate Managers


What do you need in your toolbox to be a successful Estate Manager? Find out what resources are available and help us determine what is needed. The panel will be followed by a breakout Q&A / workshop that you'll automatically be seated in when the discussion ends so that you can add to the conversation.

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Documenting Employee Disciplinary Actions

Documenting disciplinary actions for domestic employees is necessary to comply with labor laws, ensure fairness and consistency, and provide a record for performance evaluation and improvement. An Estate Manager should include a progressive discipline policy in their Employee Handbook and Estate Manual. PRO Content

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A Uniformed Staff

I am excited today to talk with you about uniforms, insignias, and pride... wearing a matching uniform and sporting a name tag with a particular position identified, makes all the difference in the pride and effort expended by staff.

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