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A Uniformed Staff

I am excited today to talk with you about uniforms, insignias, and pride... wearing a matching uniform and sporting a name tag with a particular position identified, makes all the difference in the pride and effort expended by staff.

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Starting an Estate Management Business

We received a lot of follow-up to the recent EMC23 talk 'Estate Management as a Business'.  Many of your questions were 'How do I get started'? To address that, we've put together a workbook to help you organize your purpose and goals for starting your new business.

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The Estate Landscape Team

Estate gardening is more than just landscape maintenance; it’s guiding the development of a landscape over time, and it requires a specialized team.

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How To Manage The Estate Ecosystem

Each estate is an ecosystem unto itself – with its own unique processes, rhythms, and culture. And, like any estate ecosystem, each has a cast of characters with particular skill sets who must learn to work together

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