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Event Planning Workbooks

Event Planning Workbooks

On the estates where I have worked, entertaining is a daily occurrence. C-Level breakfast meetings, VIP lunches, and formal dinners are the norm. Even just planning for the general entourage that shows up for cocktails, recording sessions, and pool parties requires advanced preparation. And then there are the parties… It’s not uncommon to have 500+ people and a 7 figure budget for a private Hollywood event.

Large events require detailed tracking and organization. You need to be able to track your budget, Vendors contacts, guest lists, seating arrangements, to-do lists and ideas all in one place. You need a workbook that you can share with your team and outside collaborators as needed.

I love Google sheet for these and am sharing my party workbook with you. This is my go-to template for every event, large or small, that takes place on the estate. I  keep them on file as templates for future events. The next time my boss calls and says ‘let’s do Soulfood Sunday for 50 people tomorrow’, I have everything I need at my fingertips.

These workbooks will become an essential tool in your Estate Manuals and an invaluable reference for past events. They’re  easy to use and customizable.

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Seating Arrangements

Whether you’re seating 10 or 100, it’s important to know who is seated where and what’s important to them. Seating charts are the tool for the job. We’ve created Canva templates for several typical layouts, and it’s easy to cut and paste the elements to create your own.

Introducing: Corporate Aviation

The Estate Management Network is pleased to introduce its newest industry partner, Corporate Aviation. As we expand our network to accommodate the diverse needs of our members, Corporate Aviation emerges as a distinguished provider of luxury, personalized, and dependable flight services tailored to corporations and high-net-worth individuals.

Member Tips on Working With Vendors

We were recently chatting with Members about working with vendors. Respect, communication and relationship-building were a common theme. Here are some of the top tips:

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