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Category: Leadership

Empowering Our Community: Sharing Expertise in Estate Management

The Estate Management Network thrives on the collective knowledge of its members. As seasoned professionals, you possess a wealth of specialized knowledge gained from years of managing complex households.  By sharing your insights, you not only guide newcomers through potential pitfalls but also spark innovation in established practices. 

Estate Manual Essential: The Organizational Chart

Providing personalized service in a luxury residence demands meticulous attention to detail. One of the most effective tools for an estate team to deliver on that expectation is an organizational chart.

Beyond Job Skills and Experience: Interview for Soft Skills

Estate Managers are tasked with a unique responsibility not only to oversee the daily operations of an estate, but to build a staff that works well together and fits into the culture of the home. When it comes to hiring it’s essential to look beyond traditional skills and experience.

The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Estate Management

In the world of ultra-high-net-worth estate management, where expectations for impeccable service are sky-high, Estate Managers must possess more than just technical expertise. The secret ingredient that sets exceptional Estate Managers apart is their emotional intelligence.

Setting Boundaries in Private Service

As Estate Managers, we work in a unique environment that can often blur the lines between professional and personal relationships. It’s critical that we maintain both professional and personal boundaries.

2023 Board of Directors

The Estate Management Network is excited to announce that we’ve invited our first Board of Directors  to play an active role in the development and outreach of our mission. PRO CONTENT

Leader vs Manager: Leadership within the Estate

Elite Estate Manager Anthony Barlow shares his core philosophy on leadership in private service; Be a leader, not a manager. His insight and experience are invaluable. This is a must-watch.

Welcome to the Network

Welcome to the Estate Management Network! We’re glad you found us. The effort was born from a desire to understand where Estate Managers are as a professional group.

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