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High Profile Privacy // An Intro to Nondisclosure Agreements

High Profile Privacy // An Intro to Nondisclosure Agreements

An individual may require a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to protect their privacy and personal confidential information. By having an NDA in place, they can legally require anyone who interacts with them to keep this information confidential. PRO Content.

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Hollywood’s Best Supporting Role

Celebrity Estate Management is a unique lifestyle.  It’s a choice to work crazy hours for creative people who invent and re-imagine more interesting versions of the world around us.

Ask an Expert – Leo Crane on Owner’s Representation.

For our inaugural ‘Ask an Expert’ chat, I had the opportunity to speak about Owner’s Representation with Leo Crane, the founder of Summit Point Consulting. Our conversation shed light on the role of an owner’s representative and the multifaceted challenges and strategies inherent in project management.

California’s ‘Silenced No More’ NDA Act SB-331

Recent headlines revealing that Jeffrey Epsteins’s House Manager and Staff had been instructed, and bound by non-disclosure agreements, to share nothing of the activities going on in the home brought the topic of NDA’s to the forefront of conversation. 

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