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Category: Human Resources

How to Find a Private Housekeeper for a High Net Worth Household

Finding the right housekeeper for a high net worth household can be challenging, and today, the market is more competitive than ever. Here, you’ll find everything you need to know, from job descriptions, salaries and benefits, to the questions the experts always ask in the interview process.

The Exit Interview

The best method for letting a staff member go is to conduct an exit interview as part of off-boarding. We’ve created a guide and templates that will explain the process.

Update Your Employee Handbook

Your employee handbook should be reviewed annually to reflect the changing professional environment as well as the evolving preferences of your principal.

Perfect Candidate

Hiring The Perfect Candidate

As a private service placement agency, it is our job to source the proverbial “perfect candidate.” The question here is where does the “perfect candidate” come from?

A Uniformed Staff

I am excited today to talk with you about uniforms, insignias, and pride… wearing a matching uniform and sporting a name tag with a particular position identified, makes all the difference in the pride and effort expended by staff.

Interviews // Stand Out from the Herd

Looking for a private staffing job is about setting yourself apart from the field. That is a cliché and this article is about clichés and avoiding them. 

Estate Staffing Design

A staffing design plan can be used to pitch your plans to the family office, the Chief of Staff, or whoever will need to approve your hiring. This exercise can also be the basis for your staffing budget, job descriptions, and scheduling.

How to Train Household Staff and Retain Them

When you hire new household staff, you cannot expect them to know exactly what you want or how you want it done. Even though you may have covered some of the job requisites during the interview process, you still need to develop an effective household staff training plan.

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