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Appraising the Value of Art

Knowing the value of a work of art is essential to properly protect and insure a piece for display, storage, loan, donation, or sale. The best way to get an accurate value is to commission an appraisal.  

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A New Spin on an Old Driveway

An automotive turntable can be the solution to narrow parking situations. They can be installed in a day in any standard drive or garage space.

What is an Estate Manager?

There doesn't seem to be a consensus about the role of the Estate Manager. Let's get the conversation going by asking what the job is, what are the skills, experience, and education needed to perform the work, among other requirements. Join a panel that includes the stakeholders in the conversation- an EM, and Employer, an Agency, and an Educator. The panel will be followed by a breakout Q&A and workshop that you'll automatically be seated in when the discussion ends.

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EM_essentials // Resources for Estate Managers

We are happy to introduce ‘EMessentials”, a collection of guides, templates, videos, and resources for Estate Managers. Pick up a new skill, refresh your memory on some of the basics, or learn the latest way to accomplish a task. We’ll cover everything from HR to Tech, and include links to outside sources, books, and courses that can help you on your professional journey.

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