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Member Meeting

Summer Member Meeting

Virtual Event
Join us to say Hi ! We're checking in to see how everyone's summer is going. We'll chat about seasonal homes and the unique challenges they present.

Fall Member Meeting

Virtual Event
Join us for our Fall Member Meeting. We'll welcome new members and discuss Fall goals.

Estate Management Conference 2023 Initial Planning

Virtual Event
Want to get involved with the planning for #EMC23? We'd love to hear your thoughts about last year's conference and find out what you'd like to see at the next event.

February Member Meeting // Mentorship

Virtual Event
We're developing a mentorship program for our members and would love to hear what Members would want out of the program. Join us to share your thoughts and to say hello to new members.

April Member Meeting: Nondisclosure Agreements

Virtual Event
At our April Member meeting, we'll discuss the necessary inclusions, what you can't include and options for disseminating and recording NDAs.

Building Your Estate Manual

Virtual Event
This month we welcome Joan Veage, recently graduate from The International Butler's Academy, to discuss the table of contents for an estate manual. Joan and I have combined our notes to present what we think needs to go into every manual.

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